
Who We Are

Karen Zukor has been a professional paper conservator for over thirty-five years and is a Fellow of the American Institute for Conservation. She has been responsible for many collections - including fine art, archival material, maps, documents, and rare books - held both in private hands and at institutions. In addition, she has trained both pre- and post-program interns for over twenty years, and lectures widely to the general public. 


Our Space

Zukor Art Conservation is equipped to handle large-scale works on paper, and can host workshops on-site of up to twenty people. Our lab is designed to provide conservation treatment for both single artifacts and larger collections. Whether of artistic, historic, or personal significance, every item is viewed in context, with consideration given as to how it will be used. We are committed to providing conservation and preservation services to stabilize and protect objects that are inherently fragile.

To learn more, please check out our articles and blog posts: